World Lecture Hall (WLH)
Developed at: the Center for Instructional Technologies, a unit of the Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment at The University of Texas at Austin
Description: Entry point to free online course materials from around the world.
WLH - Architecture / Building
WLH - Civil Engineering / Industrial Engineering
WLH - Environmental Science
Engineering Case Studies
Developed at: Carleton University
Description: A collection of information on engineering cases. These are accounts of real engineering projects that are written for use in engineering education. The accounts are not highly technical, and are quite readable by those with the appropriate interest.
Description: Lecture notes from the one-day training course on Geotechnical Design of Foundations to Eurocode 7, held at the Institution of Structural Engineers on Wednesday 25th October 2000, are available for free download in Adobe Adobe Acrobat format.
Description: An internet based software system for the design of building foundations developed for educational purposes.
Soil Mechanics on the Beach
Description: A hands-on tutorial on basic concept of soil mechanics.
Manual on Design and Construction of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall
Description: An online book.
Description: Online courses of dam design, road design and slope stability.
Geotechnical Courseware
Description: Includes virtual triaxial test, virtual consolidation test and consolidation concept.
Soil Mechanics
Description: Lecture Notes from Florida State University.
Information Technology in Construction
Description: Lecture notes; part of the IT in Construction course at the Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Construction Management.
Geotechnics: Tutorial & Past Paper Solutions
Description: Lecture notes on soil properties and earth structures.
Geotechnics Lecture Materials
Description: University of Portsmouth lecture materials on foundation engineering and soil engineering.
Constitutive Relations for Soil Materials
Description: A online book from Jean H. Prevost and Radu Popescu.
Designing and Building File-Folder Bridges: A Problem-Based Introduction to Engineering
Description: This book provides students with an opportunity to learn how engineers use math, science, and technology to design real structures.
Building Structural Systems Engineering
Description: Class assignments of University of Kansas.
Kirk Martini
Description: Course materials, research articles and presentations in architectural and structural engineering.
High Performance Concrete
Description: A short tutorial of high performance concrete.
Groundwater Engineering
Description: Word format lecture notes and lab outlines.
Environmental Engineering Lecture Materials
Description: University of Portsmouth lecture materials on environmental engineering.
Composite Materials Design
Description: Courseware to teach the origin of the mechanical behavior and the manufacturing of modern composite materials.
Floods; Natural and Human-Induced
Description: Lecture note.
Chapter 9: Mass- Wasting
Description: A graphical tutorial material for environmental engineering..
Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers
Author: B. Hunt
Description: Online book from the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
Solid Waste Engineering
Description: Lecture notes from University of Connecticut.
Solid Waste Management
Description: Lecture notes from University of Central Florida.
Description: A graphical tutorial material.
Hydraulic Engineering Design
Description: Class web page of University of Texas.
Coastal Change in the Moray Firth
Description: Courseware on environmental science.
Environmental Applications
Description: Teaching materials of computing and data analysis for environmental applications from MIT
Basics of Dam
Description: Description about dam
Glossary of Dam Related Terms
Description: Glossary for dam.
Plane-Stress Transformation
Developed at: Southern Illionis University
Description: Eight educational programs are available that provide interactive exercises on the transformation of stress components under conditions of plane stress. Five of the programs deal with the stress transformation equations; the other three are concerned with applications of Mohr's circle. The programs are intended primarily for undergraduate engineering students taking courses in mechanics of solids, machine design, or related topics, although the programs are also suitable for independent study or review.
Build It and Bust It
Description: An interactive online courseware for structural engineering.
Developed at: Southern Illionis University
Description: VandM - Exercises is an educational computer program that provides interactive exercises in constructing shear and bending moment diagrams. The program is intended primarily for undergraduate engineering students taking courses in statics, mechanics of solids, or structures, although it is also suitable for independent study or review.
Are Traffic Signals Really a Cure-All?
Developed by: Department of Transportation
Structural Engineers' eBook
Description: An online book on structure design.
Asphalt Crack Repair
Description: Handbook contains information on materials, equipment, and procedures used to clean and seal cracks in asphalt cement concrete pavement. (PDF format).
Wood Handbook
Description: Online book about using wood as an engineering material.
Geophysical Estimation by Example: Environmental soundings image construction: Multidimensional auto regression
Description: Free online book about geology.
Managing Construction Equipment Buy and Sell Decisions Replacement: A Simulation Game
Description: This paper describes a multi-player game to aid in teaching and explaining the different effects of various equipment buy/sell strategies on the economic performance of construction companies.
Qualitative Influence Lines
Developed at: Southern Illionis University
Description: QIL (Qualitative Influence Lines) is an educational computer program that provides interactive exercises in constructing qualitative influence lines for determinate beams. The program is intended primarily for undergraduate engineering students taking courses in structural analysis, although it is also suitable for independent study or review.
Project Management for Construction
Author: Chris Hendrickson
Description: This e-book develops a specific viewpoint in discussing the participants, the processes and the techniques of project management for construction. by Chris Hendrickson, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Introduction to Geology and Soil Mechanics
Description: Courseware from University of Winsconsin, Stout.
Introduction to Structural Design
Description: The Arch 324/524 class web site, University of Virginia.
Rock Mechanics Lecture Notes
Description: Lecture notes of rock mechanics and ground control on mines from West Virginia University
Conventional RC Retaining Wall Design And Slope Stability
Description: A tutorial for retaining wall.
Behavior and Design of Self-Drilling Screw Connections
Description: Technical note by Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association.
Strength of Materials
Description: University of Wisconsin-Stout lecture notes on this topic.
Stress Analysis Using Mathematica
Description: Use Mathematica as a tool to analyze the stress and strain of solid materials.
Description: Tutorial of acoustics, shock and wave
Guide Tour of Granular Dynamics
Description: Tutorial about the concept of granular dynamics.
Numerical Methods in Structural Mechanics
Description: Lecture notes from Dr. Norm Knight of NASA.
Portland Cement
Description: Description about three types of Portland cements: ASTM Type, blended and modified.
Plates and Shells
Description: Lecture outline and problem sets from MIT.
JS Engineering Design
Description: Tutorials of structural and foundation engineering.
Light Gauge Steel Frame Construction
Description: Course material of light gauge steel
Advanced Structural Mechanics
Description: Lecture notes and homework from Clemson University.
Prof. Hermann Gruenwald Steel Structures Class Page
Description: Lecture notes, group project, slide journal and etc.
Environmental Engineering Learning Resources
Description: Multimedia tutorials, teaching software in water treatment and groundwater pollution.
Random Fields: Analysis and Synthesis
Description: Free online book to use random processes to solve problems in engineering and science.
Design of Steel Structure Handout
Description: Class handout and lecture materials from MIT.
Steel Construction Education Resources
Description: Some information on steel structure design.
Biodegradation and Bioremediation
Description: Lecture notes from University of Connecticut.
Surface Water Quality Engineering
Description: Class web page of Michigan Technological University.
Standard Detail Drawings
Developed by: Pavement-Transportation Computer Assisted Structural Engineering
Description: CAD files for standard details used in the design of transportation systems from DG 1110-3-204 for the Army and AFB 88-71 for the Air Force
Composite Materials Handbook
Description: General Information for Polymer, Metal, and Ceramic Matrix Composites Areas.
Environmental Engineering Process Laboratory
Description: Class materials from Cornell University.
Aquatic Organic Contaminants
Description: Class notes of University of Colorado.
Aquatic Surfaces and Particles
Description: Class notes of University of Colorado.
Hazardous Waste Management
Description: topics include historical perspective; regulations pertaining to hazardous wastes; transport, fate, and effects of hazardous wastes; hazardous wastes management; treatment and disposal methods, and site remediation.
Critical Path Method Tutor, software
Author: E. William East
Description: The Critical Path Method (Arrow Diagram Method) Tutor was developed to assist undergraduate students to practice the Arrow Diagramming scheduling method. The system includes introductory scheduling information and operates on individual PC's under MsWindows.
CPM Tutor, on-line course
Developed by: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (CERL)
Description: The Critical Path Method (CPM) Tutor teaches the basics of scheduling using precedence diagramming. The system includes introductory scheduling information and calculations on precedence diagrams
Soil Mechanics and Testing
Description: Course lecture notes and an introduction to the subjects.
Hoek's Corner
Description: Online book of Practical Rock Mechanics and free software of rock engineering.
Description: A case study about slope- segmental retaining wall project.
How Bridges Work
Description: A tutorial for bridge.
Bridge Design Documents
Description: Several documents for bridge.
Concrete Mix Design
Author: Ashraf M. Ghaly, Ph.D., P.E.
Description: This web site describes methods for selecting proportions for hydraulic cement concrete made with and without other cementitious materials and chemical admixtures. This concrete consists of normal and/or high density aggregates, with a workability suitable for usual cast-in-place construction. It describes the Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass concrete based on a report published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI), Committee 211. The Standard (ACI 211.1-92, Reapproved 1997) has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
Description: A free finite element analysis program which can be used by students as a learning tool for FEM programming or by practicing engineers. This program allows for non-zero boundary conditions and has skyline storage of the stiffness matrix.
Description: A suite of computer-aided learning programs covering 11 topics on concrete technology and the design of concrete structures to EC2, where appropriate. Several of the modules, particularly on reinforced concrete design, will also appeal to engineers wishing to familiarise themselves with EC2.
Developed by: University of California, San Diego
Description: "Educational Structural Engineering Program" to support teaching and learning of structural engineering concepts and techniques. CALSD provides functionality for three-dimensional linear elastic static and dynamic analysis. The system has been enhanced with a Windows 95/98/NT user interface.
Maccaferri Gabions- Environmental Solutions for Soil Erosion Control
Description: Case studies and articles about soil Erosion.
The Suggested Geologist Practice Act of 1993
Description: An online book useful for engineering geologist.
Joint Service Pollution Prevention Technical Library
Description: Handbooks and technical reports on environmental engineering.
Professional Practice Handbook
Description: A free online book on profession of engineering geologists.
Water Quality
Description: Class notes of University of Colorado.
Water Quality Engineering
Description: Lecture notes from University of Connecticut.
Physics and the Design of Bridges and Towers
Description: High school class home page.
Bridge Designer
Description: A virtual laboratory which allows you to design trusses.
Description: A brilliant description of bridge.
Stable and Unstable Structure
Description: Online class from for Grades 6-8.
Environmental Engineering and Management
Description: An introduction to local environmental issues; providing the essential chemical principles required to understand the nature of the pollution problems.
Description: Simple explanations of the workings of many types of bridges.
Description: Discovery page - explore this engineering masterpiece in Building the Longest Suspension Bridge. Learn about bridges of the future in Bridges: The Next Generation.
Bridge (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Description: A guide to bridges.
How to Prevent Corrosion in Precast Concrete
Description: The backbone for precast - reinforcing steel - is under continual attack from corrosive agents. But preventive practices can keep the rust off of the rebar.
Bridge Watching for Beginners
Description: A book explains in simple language some features of bridges' design and construction
Structural Engineering 2
Description: Teaching materials of University of Colorado.
Irrigation and Water Management Tools
Description: Water management handbooks, manuals, and Models.
Structural Engineering Courses
Description: Course notes for Strength of Materials, Matrix Structural Analysis and Nonlinear Structural Analysis.
Structural Engineering Materials
Description: Course material including some lecture notes.
Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
Description: Class web page of Michigan Technological University.
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Description: The web page of class taught at Michigan State University.
Description: Teaching materials from University of Portsmouth.
SAP 2000 Tutorials
Author: Computer & Structures, Inc.
Description: SAP 2000 Tutorials are intended to introduce and demonstrate many of the capabilites of SAP2000 and introduces some of the pushover analysis features available in SAP2000.
SAP 2000 A to Z Training Problems
Author: Computer & Structures, Inc.
Description: The SAP2000 A to Z problems are intended to be a tool for learning to use the SAP2000 graphic interface. You will probably get the most benefit from each problem if you first attempt to solve it yourself, and then after you are finished, you review our step-by-step solution.
SAFE Tutorials
Author: Computer & Structures, Inc.
Description: The SAFE problems are intended to be a tool for learning to use the SAFE graphic interface. You will probably get the most benefit from each problem if you first attempt to solve it yourself, and then after you are finished, you review our step-by-step solution.
Tutorial SAP2000 (MsWord Format)
Author: Rakesh K. Goel
Construction Management
Description: Bahan kuliah dari Brigham Young University
Construction Planning and Management
Description: Bahan kuliah dari Murray State University.
Description: An online book about the manufacture and mechanics of aluminum alloy.
How Well Can You Manage a Modern Construction Company?
Description: A computer simulation that provides the essentials for construction professionals to augment their technical knowledge with the managerial skills required to run a modern construction company.
Construction Project Manager
Description: Construction Management Tutorial. Several Articles show the responsibility of a construction manager.
Construction Cost Estimating for Decision-Makers
Description: Online course web site at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
Construction Management Estimating Tips
Excerpted from R.S. Means Estimating Handbook.
Engineering Geology
Description: Class web page from UC Berkeley.
World Wide Water
Description: Desalination information, flow diagrams and photo gallery.
Description: A web site with animated construction models.
Steel Education
Description: What is steel? And what is the recipe of steel?
Construction Engineering
Description: Course materials are available from FTP site.
Construction Materials
Description: Course materials are available from FTP site.
Water Resources Design
Description: Lecture notes from University of Central Florida.
Water Resources Engineering
Description: A course material including some lecture notes.
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Description: Lecture notes from Dept. of Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Introduction to Environmental Systems
Description: Class materials from Cornell University.
Laboratory Research in Environmental Engineering
Description: Class materials from Cornell University.
Aquastat - Definitions
Description: Glossary of Water Resources.
Water Science for Schools
Description: Offer information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive quiz.
Steel Works Glossary
Description: Glossary for steelworks.
How House Construction Works
Description: A tutorial from
Vadose Zone Hydrology
Description: Lecture notes from Colorado School of Mines.
Water Balance in the Watershed
Description: A lecture slide.